"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


We see the Laughing Buddha in many places like Chinese restaurants. He is the one with the big belly and the big smile. He is such a familiar figure in the West that many mistake him for the historical Buddha. He is the Cloth Bag Monk, regarded as the Maitreya Buddha by the Chinese.

The happiness of this Buddha is a teaching we really need in today’s world. Look at how testy everyone gets sometimes. We get easily frustrated by things that are trivial and petty. There are any number of things that can potentially ruin our day, and we end up walking around with a frown.

The big smile of this Buddha reminds us that we don’t have to take everything or ourselves so seriously. We always have the power to decide how we face a source of annoyance. Instead of seeing the frustration in it, we can see the humor in it. Instead of lashing out, we can laugh it off.

The Tao Today

The big belly of this Buddha is a huge reservoir holding an endless supply of patience. Make use of this patience and imagine yourself as the Laughing Buddha for the day. Nothing will get to you because you are an enlightened being. Light up your face with a smile, and use a light touch with everyone. If you can lighten up a moment, you will also be able to lighten up your day. If you can lighten up the day, you will also be able to lighten up your life.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin