Everything happens for a reason, even if that reason may not be immediately obvious. When something frustrates you, it may help to keep in mind that we are all attending earth school, and there is a curriculum with lessons to learn and tests to take. When we encounter annoying obstacles, they test our patience; when we encounter even more annoying people, they test the true extent of our compassion for others.
Tao cultivators recognize the tests as a way to reveal the extent of one’s spiritual cultivation. The untrained mind, when tested, may react with frustration and anger, while refined spirits taking the same test are able to deal with challenges unfazed.
The test is over when the annoying event or person has gone away. Those who do not know it was a test may hurl a curse or two at the departing source of annoyance. Meanwhile, those who know exactly what is going on will grade themselves to see how ell they have done, and how they can do even better down the road.
The Tao Today
It is extremely useful to think of everyone as your teacher who likes giving you a pop quiz every now and then. The teacher may be disgusted as the rude driver who refuses to let you merge and then honks furiously when you do, or the coworker who seems determined to contribute as little to the team as possible. Are you able to pass the test they set out before you?
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin