"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Sometimes negative people will say things like, “Sure, I can be nice to others as soon as they start being nice to me,” or “Nobody helps me, so why should I help anybody?”

Tao sages see this kind of thinking as putting the cart before the horse. It is like someone living in a colder climate discovering that he is out of firewood, and instead of doing something about this, he talks to his fireplace: “Give me a little bit of fire first so I can warm up my frozen fingers. Once I get some feeling back in my hands, I will go get more firewood.”

This strategy doe snot work, and neither does an approach to life where you wait for others to initiate an action or make a gesture. You are at the very center of your existence, so there is no one in a better position than you to set things into motion. Do not expect the engine of life to start up by itself. You have to turn the key for ignition.

The Tao Today

Do wait for someone to greet you; initiate the greeting yourself. Do not wait for someone to extend the hand of friendship; extend your hand first. Do not wait for someone to be courteous and respectful; be the first to offer courtesy and respect.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin