"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


The Chinese concept of Te has the dual meaning of virtue and power. Someone who has reached a high level of spiritual cultivation is said to have gained a virtuous and authentically powerful nature. Not many cultivators are able to do this.

A person of Te has a natural ability to transform everyone in his vicinity. When such a person comes into a room. When such a person comes into a room, you cannot help but take notice. The lighting is no brighter than before, but you will feel like there is more illumination. He does not have to say or do anything; his mere presence reduces the chaotic thoughts in you mind, and draws you into a peaceful state.

The power of Te is magnetic, and it brings out the best in everyone. This effect is so apparent that it makes believers out of skeptics. If you are lucky enough to have experienced this effect, then you already know that there is some medium beyond the physical where the transmission of the Te power takes place. The fact that we are able to receive this transmission can only mean that we are, at heart, spiritual beings linked together at a fundamental level of reality.

The Tao Today

Take note of the effect you have on other people. Prior to practicing the Tao, what was the effect? As you continue your cultivation, you may notice your effect on others changing. If it is improving noticeably, then you are on the right track. Extrapolate this progression into the future, and you will begin to see what it will be like when you finally attain Te.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin