Do you still feel overwhelmed by the chaotic madness of life sometimes, when you are faced with multiple demands pulling you in different directions? If so, then turn to the Tao and let its power come to your aid.
The very first thing to do is bring the fragments of your mind back the center. This is the practice of returning to the one. The one, in this context, means the singularity of your consciousness, the one point in space and time that defines your self-awareness.
It is not difficult to make the return happen. You need only to direct your mindful awareness to the present moment, issue a mental command of convergence and feel everything starting to fall into place. There are still many things to worry about, but you can let them go for the time being. As each piece of your mental self comes back to the core, it also returns a measure of energy to you. When all of you has come back in one place, you will have all the power, clarity and composure to do anything.
The Tao Today
Practice makes perfect. The more you apply this, the more proficient you become. Soon, you will be able to make the change smoothly and naturally. All it will take is a slow, deep breath with your eyes closed. When you open them again a few seconds later, the world will appear to be a different place. This is not because it has changed significantly, but because the consciousness that is your self-awareness has transformed itself.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin