What is the opposite of death? Most of us would probably say life, but let us explore a little further.
Note that the meaning of death refers to a permanent state. Although many Taoists believe that the true self will continue on after death, they also realize that death beings a particular lifetime to a definite end. Once you have exited the stage, you cannot come back as the same character from the other side of the curtain.
This means life cannot be a true opposite of death, because life as we know it is a temporary state. Stack up the permanence of death nest to the transience of life, and we can see the two are not balanced. The only thing that can really balance out everlasting death is everlasting life: immortality.
The ancient sages focused on the immortality of their ideas rather than of their bodies. They knew it was not possible for anyone to live forever, but if they created something of value to humanity, it might be passed down form one generation to the nest as long as human beings existed. In that way, they could achieve longevity far beyond the limited mortal lifespan.
The Tao Today
Can you create something that will outlast you? There is a wide range of possibilities to consider. If you are a parent, it can be in your children. If you are a teacher, it can be in your students. It can also be your brainchild - creative works such as writing, music or art. Whatever it is, the power is in you to imbue your creation with the Tao of immortality.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin