Chapter 47 of the Tao Te Ching says you do not need to go outside the door to know the world. This appears to be advice to stay home, but that is only a surface-level interpretation. Traveling is a broadening experience, and if you only study theories behind closed doors, you can easily end up with ideas that are disconnected from reality.
Keep in mind that Lao Tzu often teaches in metaphorical terms, and in this case, the door is not a physical door, but the division between inside and outside. To go outside is to direct your gaze outward, on the material world; to remain inside denotes turning that gaze inward, to your inner self.
This clarifies the meaning of the chapter immediately. In order to attain spiritual understanding, you must look for the answers internally. Many people look for the answers externally, by following self-improvement fads. All along, they have the answers right in the heart, but they are so used to the idea of directing their gaze outward that they never bother looking in the opposite direction…where the real treasure is!
The Tao Today
Now we can see that this teaching does not conflict with people who enjoy traveling. You can remain “inside the door” even when you go somewhere, because you can remain connected to your inner vision no matter where you happen to be.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin