"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


If there is one concept that encapsulates life, the universe and everything, it must be dynamic exchange. NO matter where you look, every part of the world is engaged in a continuous, nonstop exchange of energy, molecules and information. A tree that seems perfectly still is actively exchanging oxygen with carbon dioxide; a cup of hot coffee is actively radiating its heat energy; as you read these words at this very moment, new thoughts are forming in your mind. Dynamic exchange is happening everywhere all the time.

The exchanges are circular in essence. When you project goodwill toward others, it manifests as smiles, assistance and warmth, and soon it circulates back to you as laughter, reciprocal help, appreciation and friendship. Your world is a complex web of circular exchanges, and you power the dynamic functioning of the entire web at its very center. Nothing happens if you wait there without taking any action, but as soon as you initiate the process by projecting your energy outward, you light up your little corner of the universe.

The Tao Today

The web of dynamic exchange is a karmic structure. It has no material substance, and yet it is quite real. Its connections are intangible, and yet it binds all of us together.

Initiate the projection of your goodwill today. Look for every opportunity to fire off positive energy to the benefit of someone else, and see what happens when the karmic energy returns to you.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin