"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Tao teachings speak of being free of desires and having desires. Both are natural states, and we transition from one to the other all the time. Each state is useful in its own way.

Being free of desires is the path to detachment and tranquility. As our desires subside, we experience clarity and begin to see how foolish we can be when we pursue material acquisitions. This creates the best mind-set for us connect with the joy of commitment.

This does not mean desires are bad or evil. The desiring state is the driving force behind intentions and aspirations. When this state is aligned with the Tao, human beings improve themselves, accomplish inspiring feats, create works that benefit others and ultimately bring themselves another step closer to divinity.

The Tao Today

Master your desiring and desireless states and manage their transitions from one to the other. Never let desires overstep the bounds of moderation to become obsessions. Be careful also to not let the desireless state become apathy or indifference. There is a time for quietness and a time for action; utilize the two at the appropriate moment.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin