"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


What is the way of existence? We start with the observation that everything comes form something. We observe the world and see that creation happens continuously. In every moment, babies are born, ideas are conceived, inventions are crafted and songs are written. Thus, the way of existence seems to be this process of constant and never-ending creation.

We do not have a better name for the way of existence, so we simply call it the Way. It covers all things regardless of scale, so the formation of galaxies and the growth of seeds into saplings are all part of the same principle.

We human beings occupy a midpoint between the very large and the very small, and our very existence is also part of universal creation. That means we, too, are the Way. We are not separate of different from the largest galaxies or the smallest seeds. The Way unites us with everything in seamless totality. We and the Way are one.

The Tao Today

Think of yourself as a mini-engine of creation. You are capable of creating far more than you ever thought possible. When you follow the Way of universal creation and practice its principles, you can manifest whatever you want to see in your life.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin