"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Lieh Tzu, one of the great sages from antiquity, was said to have the ability to fly. When asked about this, he would laugh and say he did not know if he was riding on the wind, or if the wind was riding on him.

A few students of the Tao in later generations took his words literally and tried to learn levitation. They failed. They did not understand the Lieh Tzu, like many of his time, spoke in terms of memorable metaphors. Lieh Tzu’s flight represented the carefree life resulting from the total mastery of the Tao.

This ancient teaching of the Tao compared the attachments we have in life to heavy rocks weighing us down. In order to relinquish these rocks, or cut the cords that bind us to them, we must relax and let go of our attachments. As the heavy weights are released, we become lighter and lighter, until we can lift ourselves up into the sky.

The Tao Today

Identify the attachments in your life. Everyone’s attachments are different. What are yours? How heavily do they weigh you down? Consider ways to release them, so you can let your inner self learn how to fly.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin