Lao Tzu says:
Using cleverness to govern the state
Is being a thief of the state
Not using cleverness to govern the state
Is being a blessing of the state
In these lines, “the state” refers to your life and not literally a kingdom. Governing the state is the way you run your life. Using cleverness to do so is not a positive thing in this case. it means being excessively clever, attempting to manipulate other people and interfere in their business.
Invariably, this kind of cleverness backfires. Manipulation and interference make your life more complex and difficult to manage. Soon, you realize that all the joy has been taken from you, and its place there is only tension and stress. You have become the thief who steals the happiness right from your own life.
To not use cleverness in governing the state means guiding your life toward simplicity and away from the complexity of manipulation and deception. Such a life is honest, direct and naturally joyous. It benefits you and the people around you, so it is indeed a great blessing you have given to yourself.
The Tao Today
Are you a thief or a blessing to the state of your life? If there is a bit of the thief in you in this context, what can you do to let go of the need to manipulate or interfere?
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin