From time to time, you may find yourself having to shoulder a great responsibility. You may need to manage a complex project, organize a volunteer activity, plan a trip, take charge of an organization, start a family…the possibilities go on and on. The expression in the Tao is that you have become the commander of ten thousand chariots.
How do you command the ten thousand chariots and not have them run off in ten thousand different directions? Chapter 26 of the Tao Te Ching will tell you that, first and foremost, you need to approach the challenge with serious intent and somber attitude. Although the Tao is often light-hearted in its approach to life, in this case there is no room for lightness or frivolity.
The second most important point is an emphasis on the fundamentals. The expression in the Tao is that you must never leave your heavy supplies. This means never losing sight of the basics: the appropriate tools for the job, training for yo and your team, a suitable environment to carry our the work and so on. This is what brings the ten thousand chariots together as a coherent unit.
The Tao Today
There is every possibility that the chariots will travel across some bumpy terrain. Your project will encounter its share of problems. If you have built a solid foundation for your team as per Lao Tzu’s advice, you can rest easy. Your chariots will weather the challenges and emerge stronger.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin