Proper understanding of yin and yang leads to the integration of the two energies. When they are integrated and balanced with one another, the resulting harmony allows you to attain outstanding results in every aspect of life.
Perhaps the most obvious application of this is the integration of male and female perspectives. The sages have often observed that men and women, when acting alone, often end up with lopsided results. When they work together in a spirit of harmony, taking one another’s point of view into account, they end up with dramatically better decisions and better results.
The yin and yang concept goes far beyond gender, so the same concept works just as well when applied to the complementary pair of internal and external. This means if you wish to succeed in an endeavor, you must have the right mind-set internally, as well as a suitable environment and the right tools externally. When the two are integrated as a whole, you become unstoppable.
The Tao Today
There are many more ways to integrate yin and yang. For instance, a successful investigation is the result of careful observations plus a dynamic drive to find the truth. This is an integration of passive and active energies. Look for complementary pairs to integrate in every aspect of life. When yin and yang come together harmoniously, you create excellence of the highest order.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin