"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Chapter 27 of the Tao Te Ching says “good traveling leaves no tracks.” This is a profound statement with two levels of meaning. At one level, it tells us that those who are skillful in journeying through life always act in seamless ways. Because they are in tune with the Tao, their actions seem to flow naturally. Most people would not notice the good that has been accomplished unless a particularly perceptive person points it out.

Another level of this teaching speaks to one’s impact on the environment. Those who do not know the Tao tend to be unaware of the consequences they cause. They stumble through life like drunk drivers who leave skid marks on the road, knock over fences and sideswipe other cars. Tao cultivators, on the other hand, exercise care to minimize their negative effects on others. They always act from thoughtfulness and consideration, for it is their way to use gentleness and a light touch whenever they deal with the world.

The Tao Today

Be a good traveler in the journey of life. Provide assistance to your fellow travelers, and then move on without waiting for recognition or compensation. You do not feel the eg-driven need for the spot-light, nor the need to make your mark everywhere. You glide through life with ease, leaving no trace of your passage.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin