The assumption of superiority is a trap for the unwary in the study of spirituality. The trap closes on you when you assume that your personal path must ne universally superior to all other paths. This can happen in any tradition, and the Tao is no exception.
When you assume superiority, you inflate your ego and take yourself further away from your spirituality. The assumption has no basis in the Tao, because the Tao makes no claims for itself, and the sages make no comparisons with other traditions. They understand the myriad perspectives in the world and recognize that different paths fulfill different needs.
Thus, there is no superiority in the Tao, only suitability. The Tao can be very suitable to you, while remaining unsuitable for someone else. Those who understand this also understand the fundamental folly of religious debates. Why argue about superiority or inferiority when such assumptions are nothing but traps?
The Tao Today
If you are having trouble giving up the idea of superiority for your path, consider that people have attained enlightenment wisdom in many paths other than the Tao, and even the practice of the Tao can turn into superstitions in the hands of the ignorant. Resist the urge to compare your path with another person’s path. It is only the craving of the ego for external validation.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin