You have reached the three hundredth day, the last of the major milestones. The final leg of this journey is also the most important, because it is here that you demonstrate your ability to finish what you start. It is more difficult than it may seem, because the human psyche has a self-sabotaging element that can keep you from crossing the finish line.
Self-sabotage is a manifestation of the ego. It is the part of you that fears change, especially change for the better. Are you taking on responsibility for your life so you can no longer blame others? Are you becoming a humble individual so you will no longer inflate your sense of self-importance? the ego will do whatever it can to make you fail to complete the journey in order to preserve itself and the status quo. Recognize its tricks and push back.
The Tao Today
Whatever your previous track record may be for following tasks to completion, from here on you will always finish what you start. Once you have set your mind on a particular goal, you carry it through without losing steam halfway. No longer will you come close to something you want, only to watch it slip away. No longer will you suffer some sort of accident that deprives you of your prize. Absolutely nothing will prevent you from completing your journey.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin