Fu Hsi, the legendary Chinese emperor from about five thousand years ago, was the first meteorologist in history. He had a powerful intuition and a grasp of patterns, and he used them to observe nature.
This was a revolutionary way of thinking back in those days. People imagined supernatural causes and attributed everything to the actions of invisible deities and demons. They lived in superstitious fear, but Fu Hsi brought them a different message. Nature was not to be feared, but to be understood. He demonstrated that natural patterns, like the weather, were not beyond comprehension. With the accuracy of hsi predictions, he proved that everything followed a certain Tao.
We can learn from Fu Hsi’s approach even today. We need not feel apprehensive about things we do not understand. Bu observing the world around us, we will begin to see its patterns. Knowing how the patterns work helps us make better plans, like the hunters in ancient times consulting with Fu Hsi to make their hunting plans. This is the basis of the practical, everyday Tao.
The Tao Today
Today, we would describe the way Fu Hsi looked at the world as being similar to the scientific mind-set. It is all about observing, theorizing and testing.
Look around your world to observe the patterns in it. What kind of weather do you see in your personal relationships? Is it a cheerful, sunny day or are storm clouds gathering? In time, you will be able to make your own forecasts and plan accordingly.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin