"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


There is a lot of talk in all mainstream religions about cutting back on materialism, but it seems to have negligible effect on people. They continue to chase after materialistic temptations in the form of bargains and freebies.

If something is offered at a discount, people find it tempting regardless of its actual usefulness. If the discount is steep, then the temptation becomes strong. If the merchandise is given away for free, then the temptation becomes impossible to resist. Lured by such temptations, people will get in line around the block and wait for hours.

This has a damaging effect on life, as described in the To Te Ching:

Thus excessive love must lead to great spending

Excessive hoarding must lead to heavy loss

As you acquire more and more, your acquisitions become clutter, and then a burden, and then a prison. The more you accumulate, the more vulnerable you become to loss in the form of theft or damage. Temptations lead to ever more temptations like an infinite loop. The only way to protect yourself against it is to address the issue of materialism at the deepest level of your being.

The Tao Today

Decrease is the way of the Tao. It is all about lessening of greed and relinquishing the never ending cycle of acquisitions. Applying this Tao to life will gradually lighten your load and lead to a reduction of attachments, and therefore a reduction of fear. Decrease is a doorway that takes you to the ultimate freedom of the spirit.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin