"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Twenty-five hundred years ago, Lao Tzu taught that those who did not understand the Tao were likely to mock and ridicule those who studied it. Today, his words remain as true as ever. Times have changed, but human nature has not.

Mockery and ridicule, in this case, are nothing more than attempts to mask one’s lack of comprehension. To the ignorant, anything that is unfamiliar or requires too much thought is automatically labeled “strange” or “weird.”

Tao cultivators are not offended by this, because they understand that each person has an individual path, and perhaps those who mock and ridicule have not gone very far in theirs. No one can do anything to hurry them along if they are not ready to go any faster. They are simply the way they are. Treat them with compassion and kindness, even if it may not be easy to do so.

The Tao Today

It is just as important to examine yourself and make sure that you do not automatically regard someone as strange because you are not familiar with his culture or faith. Rather than mock or ridicule anyone, the better way is to learn and understand.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin