Starting a new practice that can silence your inner critic and create lasting awareness takes time. Those negative inner thoughts didn’t develop overnight, and they won’t disappear overnight, either. But know that this is one of, if not the, most important things you will ever do. Begin with knowing that you are enough. Today, I ask you to honor and love yourself just because you are.
Say to yourself right now, “My life is worth something.” With that statement, you plant the seed of unconditional love in your heart and mind as you shine a light on the darkness of conditional love.
Repeating this simple affirmation regularly creates a practice that overtakes the negative voices of your internal narrators, the ones that say, “You are no good” or “You are not worthy” or “ You are not enough.”
The truth is that you are more than enough! Perfect, exactly the way you are!
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.