Despite the fact that change is a constant in life, one area that many of us have trouble with is allowing ourselves to change our mind.
But as we change, the way we view the world also changes. As a result, some things that we never would have agreed with before, we may now want to say yes to. The opposite is also true, as we may now find ourselves saying no to things we once agreed with.
When this happens, our internal narrators will often speak up and yell, “No! This is not who you are. You’ve never done that before!” This is the voice of the ego, which holds on to the past and control. Oftentimes our opinions and agreements from the past are based on other people’s ideas rather than our own.
The willingness to change your mind is a sign of maturity. It shows you are growing up and thinking for yourself.
With awareness, look back over the area where you have changed your mind in your life. These are often points of growth - more reason to continually evaluate your beliefs and change your mind about any that are no longer serving you.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.