When you converse with friends or coworkers, note how frequently they talk about themselves. Talk about any aspect of your life and see how quickly people turn the spotlight on their own lives. This is the mundane mind at work. It is consumed with the needs of the ego, so it is so much more interested in its own thoughts than yours. It desperately wants to show how special it is, and that is why it will automatically convert any conversation topic to something it can use to highlight itself.
The Tao mind is the opposite. It is more concerned with others. It already knows its own specialness at tis deepest level, and therefore feels no need to prove anything. It also understands the power of ego dominating most people’s lives. From this understanding and the perspective of helpfulness and compassion, it prefers to remain quiet and be the receptive listener.
The Tao Today
Do you also have the tendency to talk too much about yourself? Each time the urge comes up, recognize it as an ego manifestation and let it go. Shape a conversation with the specific intent to make it about the other party instead of about you. Note how no one will notice what you are doing and how happy they are to have found such a great listener. You may be surprised to discover the numerous advantages this will give you in social interactions.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin