The yin and yang symbol shows the presence of yin withing yang, and yang within yin. A primary lesson embedded in this symbolism is the concept that nothing in the world is absolutely pure. No matter how much of one quality you possess, there will be a smidgen of its opposite or complement within you as well. No one is perfect in any aspect of life. We are all complex mixtures of good and bad.
This being the case, the work of cultivation that we do is not about the elimination of anything. Rather, it is about maximizing some traits and minimizing others. We let go of the idea of striving for perfection, which is unattainable, unrealistic and utterly exhausting. Instead, we embrace the idea of managing proportions and becoming progressively better, which is something we can all do right here and now. Far from being an impossible ideal, it is something that is already within reach.
The Tao Today
You do not have to be perfect. You just have to be better. This is a simple yet powerful idea that leads to great things. Athletes, performers and businesses achieve unprecedented excellence by consistently applying this concept. They do not set out to lead the field, but that is exactly what they end up doing as a side effect of continuously using themselves as a standard to surpass.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin