"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Actions have consequences, even actions that no one knows about except you. This is true whether the action is positive or negative.

Karmic forces are always present, but not always perceptible. Their functions are not limited to the material world, so the consequences of an action may disappear from view, like a shark diving beneath the waves. The initiator of the karmic effect may assume everything is fine and he has gotten away with something contrary to conscience, but in reality the shark has begun circling back, and is waiting for an opportunity to make its presence known.

The flip side is just as true. When you do something good anonymously, karmic energies begin moving out in a great arc unseen by human eyes. You may think that since no one knows of the good deed, nothing will ever come of it, but in reality the karmic effect may already be making its way back to you.

Not expecting anything is actually the best mind-set to have. When the positive karma does come back, you will not know its source, and its will not matter.

The Tao Today

Karmic consequences are like the ripples generated by a stone thrown into a small pond. When the ripples reach the surrounding walls, they reflect back and converge on the point of origin. Keep this mental image with you as you make decisions and take actions affecting others. What karmic energy would you like coming back to you? Once you have a clear idea, choose the right stone to cast into the pond.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin