"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


In the constant change of life, we can either let ourselves be moved by the events or take actions in guiding them. The sages themselves always choose to be active participants rather than inactive bystanders. This runs contrary to the expectation of those who think the central concept in the Tao is to act without acting and do without doing.

To the untrained eyes, the actions of a sage may appear to be nothing, or nothing much. This is similar to the movements of qi gong masters, which appear to be slow and casual. But just the external grace of qi gong moves hides great internal power from years of practice, the sage’s seamless ways are a skill born of diligent discipline. It is, in effect, qi gong for life.

This is why experienced cultivators would never say, “The best goal is no goal” or “The best plan is no plan.” They use goals and plans as skillfully and smoothly as the qi gong Master uses techniques. They have an action orientation that may not be apparent to most, but definitely gives them a tremendous ability to handle and direct incoming event at will.

The Tao Today

Just as qi gong masters never expend more energy than necessary to perform their moves, Tao cultivators set goals and plans without the obsessive need to get as many things done as possible. Keep this in mind as you approach the demands of your day. Give each task the concentration it deserves without the zeal to outdo anyone. Practice your own qi gong for life, and you will find it easy to connect with the Tao in all your actions.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin