Think of all the problems in life as rocks. Easy problems are small rocks. We walk right past them easily. Other problems are not so easy. They are big enough to block the path completely. We cannot get around them or ignore them. They represent the major issues in life.
Many people will try being more forceful when dealing with big problems. They raise their voice, argue or lash out in anger. It is as if they are using explosives to blast through the blockage. This is a dangerous course of action, because the explosion can injure anyone nearby, including the person who detonates the charge.
Instead of explosives, Tao cultivators bring our the climbing gear. They scale the boulder and work their way up. In the real world , this means they transcend the ordinary approach of contention. They elevate themselves, stay above the fray and look for ways to go over the obstacle without smashing anything.
When they get to the top of the boulder, there is a sense of satisfaction as they pause for a moment to look around. Then they climb down the other side and continue merrily on their way.
The Tao Today
When you look up from the base of the boulder, it looks formidable, perhaps impossible. Things start to look different with every inch you gain moving upward, and when you are on top of the boulder, you have lifted yourself above the challenge. Walk over the boulder exactly the same as you would walk over small rocks.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin