When it comes to giving gifts, most people automatically think of material things. We forget not all great gifts are physical objects. Sometimes it is the non-material things that have the greatest impact on others. Some examples are the following:
The gift of goodwill. This may be a warm greeting, a friendly wave, a pat on the back, a silent blessing or just a simple smile. it takes very little effort and yet has the power to brighten someone’s day.
The gift of gratitude. Let people know you appreciate them. This gift is not just for friends and family, but for everyone you come into contact with every day. It may be your coworker, the postal carrier, the waitress at the diner and many others.
The gift of assistance. We are all in this world to help one another. Be perceptive of what is happening around you, and be ready to extend a helping hand when called upon to do so. Think about the time when another person came to your rescue and the impact it had on you. It is time to pay it forward.
The Tao Today
Resolve to give today. Look for opportunities to express goodwill, give thanks and offer assistance. Challenge yourself to give as many gifts as possible. The circular nature of the Tao is such that you will receive as abundantly as you give. Reflect on this at the end of the day. How many gifts from others did you get?
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin