Look for people who are instinctively in tune with the Tao, and learn from them as examples. They may have never heard of the Tao; they may call their life philosophies by entirely different names. It does not matter. The truth of the Tao lies in real-life actions and results, not in the labels people invent and assign.
It is not difficult to identify such individuals. They are the ones who live with zest and gentle humor, because they feel an ever-present joy. They never fail to be kind and courteous to everyone, because they respect all sentient beings. Instead of being arrogant or dogmatic, they are open to what others have to say. Instead of trying to boss people around, they are helpful and supportive.
People enjoy being around them and gravitate to them naturally. Their characteristics are similar to those of a Tao sage, even if they have no idea what a Tao sage is. Emulate the way they think and the way they conduct themselves, for they are the best teachers of the Tao.
The Tao Today
Learn from these great teachers by observing the specifics in their approach to life. What is their attitude about work? How do they feel about people in general? How do they see themselves? Listen to their insights, and you will fins many ideas you can apply for yourself.
The Tao of Joy Every Day
~ Derek Lin