In the introduction, I mentioned Don Quixote, one of the greatest literary masterpieces to emerge from the Spanish Golden Age. The protagonist of the story, a retired gentleman named Alonso Quijano, becomes so caught up in books about chivalry that his perception of reality becomes gravely distorted, and he transforms into someone else: Don Quixote. Don Quixote sees the world through the filters of fantasy and adventure. Whatever reality presents itself, he redirects the story to fit his own expectations and beliefs. Maintaining the illusion becomes paramount - more important even than his sanity.
With awareness, we all behave like Don Quixote, trying to change reality to fit what we believe to be true.
Notice when you are constantly investing in the stories you want to believe. Whenever you story does not match your beliefs, you judge it as imperfect. In addition, notice how you punish yourself for not living up to your own imaginary story. When you see this cycle for what it is, leaving it behind becomes much easier. You are perfect just the way you are, no story needed.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.