Your emotions - regardless of the triggers - are expressions of yourself. Uncomfortable emotions let you know there is a problem to attend to, a wound for you to work on, thus allowing you to see your own truth. With awareness, you can observe your uncomfortable emotions, as they may be showing you a belief that you are holding which is no longer true for you.
Whenever an emotion is triggered, it is the opportune time to ask questions such as:
What is this about?
What agreement is at the heart of this?
What attachment does this threaten?
Do I really believe this?
Is it important?
Answering these questions gives you the opportunity to examine your beliefs and determine which ones are still true for you today.
A feeling of anger, anxiety, or fear is often an indicator that something is out of line between your attached beliefs and your inner truth. Next time you’re feeling stressed, take a moment to ask yourself the series of questions above. If your response is out of step with what you think you believe, you know you’ve uncovered an outdated belief.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.