It’s easy to blame the media, our culture, or our community for perpetuating unrealistic images of what it expects of us. But at the very core of these expectations, there is no one to blame; because a commercial, like self-judgement, has no power over us unless we agree with its message. It is only when we willingly attach ourselves to these images and distortions that our happiness is compromised.
We do not need to take the blame for these self-judgements. We can simply become aware that they have been developing in our lives since childhood through the process of domestication.
Once we are aware of our self-judgements, we can reclaim our freedom by choosing for ourselves to transcend the rewards and punishment model that has been imposed upon us and eventually arrive at a place of self-acceptance. We have a choice. That is our power.
How many of your ideas and beliefs about the world and yourself are results of domestication and outside influence? Do you assume things should be or look a certain way because that’s what you’ve seen on TV or in your community, and it seems normal? With awareness, question those assumptions today. Ask yourself if things might be otherwise and if you could be happy without these rigid ideals of perfection.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.