There are two types of fear in the world: physical fear and irrational fear.
Physical fear is a natural reaction to a clear and present danger. It allows us to survive by fleeing, fighting, freezing, or finishing a resistance with a rush of adrenaline and a desire to live. It is only trying to keep us safe.
Irrational fear triggers that same physical reaction, but there is no actual physical danger present. The main causes of irrational fear come from making assumptions or projecting about some future event. Irrational fear abuses our bodies by putting us through unnecessary trauma.
Coming to peace with fear means understanding the difference between the two types. One is rational and helpful, the other irrational and unhelpful. One can save your life; the other can stop you form living life.
With awareness, you can spot irrational fear when it arises. Next time you feel anxious or judgmental, chances are you’re dealing with irrational fear. With awareness, remember that the solution to overcoming this type of fear is unconditional self-love. You are perfect just the way you are, and you have nothing to be afraid of. Love yourself just because you are.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.