"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


When the mind is not quiet, when our attention feels like it is being pulled in a thousand different ways, stress and disharmony take over. At this point, we are trapped in the fog of mitote (the thousand voices that occupy the mind). This fog obscures the reflection of love and makes us think that love is something that needs to be gained, like the elusive carrot on a stick.

With awareness, we realize there is a deep silence that exists behind all of those voices. One way to quiet the mind is to listen to that silence. If we look at our reflection and into our eyes, we will see what lies beyond them; we will see the truth. The quieting of your mind helps you to experience this moment without distraction and keeps you in your power.


Today practice quieting the mind. Take a few moments to just sit and relax. Remove yourself form all the distractions of the day and just reflect. Allow yourself to hear the silence deep within.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.