In the Toltec tradition, we have a concept called the Smokey Mirror, which refers to the filter we all have when viewing reality. Seeing the world through a Smokey Mirror means that whatever we see is distorted by our own beliefs and ideas, or our preconditioned point of view.
When speaking to someone whose smoke is very thick, you’re only reaching their belief system; the filter of what they know makes it difficult (if not nearly impossible) to get through to the actual person. Conversely, someone might have a filter that is very thin, which means you’re able to speak directly to them. We call this heart-to-heart.
The key is to become aware of how clouded your own mirror is or how attached you are to your own point of view. Your mirror is the only one you can wipe clean.
With awareness, realize that everyone you come in contact with is viewing the world through his or her own belief system. When you argue with someone, it’s because that person is doing or saying something that is in conflict with your own belief system. When you approach anyone with an argumentative attitude, you can now see how your mirror is the one clouded with smoke.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.