"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Knowledge serves an important purpose in the Dream of the Planet. It allows us to communicate with one another from a place of shared experience. It also allows us to go beyond our physical limits and use technology to live more comfortable lives.

Without awareness, knowledge can take over the mind. Everything that comes into your field of awareness could be constantly labeled and translated based on past experience. knowledge also enables domestication, a system of reward and punishment that offers your own self-acceptance and the acceptance of others in exchange for conformity.

This is why the question β€œAre you using knowledge, or is knowledge using you?” is so important. You are primary, and knowledge is secondary. Is your mind so overrun by what you know that you have forgotten this central piece?


With awareness today, remember that knowledge exists only because you do. While knowledge can change, the presence that you are does not change. Remembering this helps you from becoming stuck in your beliefs.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.