No one else will ever know what it is like to live life through your point of view…You are the only one who knows how wonderful it is to feel that pleasure of eating a meal you enjoy, of hugging or kissing someone, of simply being alive…This is your Personal Dream. You can make it the most beautiful paradise or the perfect nightmare; it is all based on what you believe in, what you think, what you know.
~ The Five Levels of Attachment
Seeing beyond our filters - our accumulated knowledge and beliefs - does not always come naturally. We have spent years growing attached to our worldview, and it feels safe. Whatever we become attached to can begin to shape our future experiences and limit our perception of what exists outside our vocabulary. Like blinders on a horse, our attached beliefs limit our vision, and this in turn limits our perceived direction in life. The stronger our level of attachment, the less we can see. If my attachment to “what I know” blinds me to all the available options, then my knowledge is controlling me; it is controlling my intention, and it is creating my Personal Dream for me.
Today, become aware of the beliefs to which you are attached; allow yourself to become free of them to live as you choose.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.