Beliefs don’t have an independent existence; they are not “out there” in the universe somewhere, but rather reside only in our minds. We give beliefs power the moment we agree with them, when we say to ourselves, “This is true.” But since we are ever-changing beings, our beliefs will necessarily change, too.
When we try to hold on to beliefs that no longer serve us, the result is suffering.
Trying to hold to old beliefs just because they’re familiar is easy to do; we prefer the known to the unknown; the status quo that’s OK to the new adventure that night fail. But following your heart will never lead you astray. The war can be over anytime you want.
The next time you find yourself struggling, look at the belief you’re trying to hold on to and ask yourself: Do I really believe this? IS holding this belief making me happy? Does it feel true to me?
Taking the time to identify these points of discord will help you shape the way forward, making sure your actions are in line with what you believe in the here and now.
Living a Life of Awareness
~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.