"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


In the Toltec tradition, we define intent as the basic energy that exists, the life force that produces everything in the universe.

While intent is similar to what we normally call intention, it’s not quite the same, because intent is bigger than intention; it is the surfboard on which we ride the wave.

Although we can’t control intent, we can harness its power. That’s why our thoughts, our words, and our beliefs are so important. Our greatest gift as humans is that we are able to create - we can create great cities, works of art, fabulous literature, and, most important, a life of love and peace (or pain and suffering - it’s our choice).

This power exists within you. When you imagine something, you have the capacity to make it so.


What are you imagining today? You have the power to make it so. Next time you want something to happen that seems out of reach, imagine the wave of intent propelling you forward. Grab a surfboard and ride. Make your imagined goal become real.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.