"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Passion is a beautiful thing. It is the motivator by which we can realize our dreams. But the fear of failure can create such a strong vision that it will paralyze our intent and extinguish the flame that fuels the passion. Simply put, fear can keep us from living the life of our dreams.

One way to overcome this fear is to question it by asking yourself things such as:

  • What am I afraid of?

  • Where does this fear come from?

  • Am I willing to let fear keep me from pursuing my passion?

Focusing on all the steps it may take to achieve your final goal can have the effect of fanning the flames of fear. Instead, just take one small step forward in the direction of your passion. With this step, you become aware of the strength of your intent, and the fear begins to fade away. Once you’ve taken several steps, you’re on your way to manifesting your dream, and your accomplishments will reinforce your trust in yourself.


With awareness, become aware of the fears that are keeping you from pursuing your passion. Instead of focusing on the fear, just focus on taking the first step toward your goal. You don’t need to consider all the steps necessary to fulfill your dream just yet - that will come with time. After this first step, your intent will take over.

Remember, you are powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.