"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Your enjoyment of this present moment can easily be dragged down by the memories of the past. When you don’t release the past, you drag it around with you. Everything you see is filtered by where you have been, rather than where you are now and where you want to go.

Some of the biggest burdens many people carry revolve around past relationships. For example, when you think about an ex-partner, is there a sense of spaciousness and ease, or does your belly tighten and your mind begin to race?

Releasing the past takes a willingness to let go of being right or being wronged. When you wave good-bye to what was with lightness and clarity, you are in a better place to create a bright future.


Send a mental blessing to your ex-partner, ex-spouse, ex-boss, or ex-landlord. Think of all the things you are grateful for in that experience and let everything else go. With awareness, let this day be about forgiveness and gratitude.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.