"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


One of the biggest drains on your energy is making other people’s actions about you. Other people’s actions are always about them; they do things based on their point of view and their Personal Dream.

So when you take something someone does or says and make it about you - that is, take something personally - you are forming an agreement that what they are saying is also true for you.


The mechanism of defense is a signal that you are taking something personally, and you have formed an agreement with someone else’s words or actions. When you notice yourself having a defensive reaction, that is an indicator that you believe what they are saying or doing might be right. If they are right, the quickest way to peace is to own it, and make any changes in yourself that you feel necessary. If they are not right, let their words slide off like rain off an umbrella.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.