"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


The main job of the ego is to protect the false image of a separate self. One way it accomplishes this is by reinforcing the illusion of personal importance.

Internal voices that say, “I am better than you” or “I have more than you” represent a deep undercurrent of personal importance in our society. Our collective egos have set up many mechanisms to support these inaccurate notions, and pursuing these false ideals leads to unhealthy comparisons, competition, and ultimately violence in our human family.

Awareness is the key to exposing this illusion, and unconditional love is the antidote. You, I, and everyone else in the world are equal. We are all expressions of consciousness. We are all expressions of consciousness. We are One. When we love one another without conditions, we create a dream of perfect harmony. I call it heaven on earth.


With awareness today, remember that everyone you see, everyone you meet, everyone you interact with is a part of you. What you do to another you also do to yourself. Loving and recognizing the equal divinity in all beings is recognizing the divinity in yourself.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.