"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Life always gives us a choice, even when we don’t realize it. Whatever is happening in our lives, our choice lies in how we respond. Without awareness, we fall into our automatic reactions or habits, and we surrender that choice. This is the difference between “I have to” and “I want to.”

For example, I’ve chosen to go to work because I have chose to fulfill that responsibility in my life. If I see working through the filter of “I have to,” then it will be difficult for me to enjoy what I am doing, because I am relinquishing choice and forcing myself to do something. But if I see working through the filter of “I want to,” it is because I have placed my intent in that direction; I am working willingly. Remembering this makes all the difference in the world. Recognize you always have a choice, and once you’ve made a decision, follow through without resistance. You don’t “have to” do anything; but you choose to do many things, for many different reasons.


What do you choose to do today? No matter what happens, good or bad, be aware that you have a choice about how you’ll respond. With awareness, see your daily activities as opportunities to choose how you want to proceed in life.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.