"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


If you see three quarters of a circle, even though a quarter is missing, you can still recognize the shape as a circle. The same is true if you see two sides of a triangle. Based on past experiences, the mind supplements incomplete new information with the beliefs it is already attached to and assumes it knows the future.

While making assumptions about geometric shapes doesn’t have serious consequences, when it comes to human interactions, assumptions based on past experiences can wreck havoc on our lives. The everyday word for this kind of assumption is prejudice. While it is often associated with race or sex or creed, the prejudices of the mind go far beyond that.

For example, if we meet someone with a very expensive car or house, do we make assumptions about their character? If we meet someone in a professional setting, or a soup kitchen, what assumptions might we make about them?


With awareness, notice the assumptions and prejudices the mind makes today. Becoming aware of our automatic prejudices is the first step in releasing them.

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.