"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


The Fifth Agreement is “Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen.” Be skeptical because most of what you hear isn’t true. You know that humans speak with symbols, and that symbols aren’t truth. Symbols are only the truth because we agree, not because they are really truth.”

The Fifth Agreement

~ Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz

Society sends such loud messages about how we should dress, act, be and so on that we can get lost in the multitude of messages, forgetting we have a choice with which, if any, we will agree.

When our attention gets hooked into the world, we often make the mistake of agreeing with the status quo without even realizing we have done so. This is one way in which practicing the Fifth Agreement - “Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen” - can be very helpful.

Simply put, the Fifth Agreement can be translated as “I’m willing to listen to the messages, but I reserve the ability to scrutinize what I’m hearing; that is my privilege. I will decide if any message I hear is ultimately true for me.”

The ability to have scrutiny - that is, to be skeptical - is the ability to separate yourself from any message that you hear. You are then able to receive the message in an objective manner and consciously choose if you wish to agree with it or not.


With awareness today, notice the many messages and ideas that you are bombarded with on a routine basis. As these come in, ask yourself, “Is that true for me?” and see what answer comes. You may be surprised by some of the answers!

Living a Life of Awareness

~ Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.