"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Masters of the Tao apply the teachings to every aspect of life. The principle of simplicity, for example, is not just about simplifying one’s environment and letting go of clutter. It can also be extended to cover excess in general. Any kind of excess we carry around in life can be reduced, whether material objects or otherwise.

One example is the excess weight we carry around in our physical body. This kind of excess is just as burdensome as material clutter. It is possible to let it go, just as it is possible to clean up the clutter in your life. Doing so optimizes health and enhances every aspect of your existence.

Yet another example is the emotional baggage that you carry around in your mind. Like clutter and excess weight, it hinders your progress in life and impacts your well-being. It is time to examine it closely, to see if all of its is truly necessary. You may find that it is possible to significantly lighten your load.

The Tao Today

Of you decide to work on weight management, remember that dieting and exercise programs can fail if you do not start out with the fundamental realization that the excess weight is simply unnecessary. Make a definite decision at the deepest level of yourself to be rid of it. Continuing your travels in life without it…is the best way to enjoy the journey ahead.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin