"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


All things in existence follow a certain Tao. The entire universe follows the laws of nature. You, as a microcosm of the universe, also follow a path of your own. This path is your purpose in life.

For many, the path is not easy to see, and their purpose in life in not immediately obvious. One of the major challenges in life for everyone is to explore and discover the purpose.

The key to your discovery is awareness. When you become aware that you must understand yourself before embarking on your quest, you open up your mind to perceive and observe. You begin to feel the degree to which different things resonate with you, and you realize that the closer you get to your purpose, the more powerful the resonance is.

The Tao Today

Your process of discovery never stops, even when you feel fairly certain about your purpose in life. Continue to perceive and observe. You never know when you will turn a corner and see something unexpected that resonates powerfully, letting you know that a whole new vista is about to open up.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin