"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


When Chuang Tzu looked at the music of people, he saw musical instruments like the flute. People blew air into it to create sound, and when they became skillful, the sounds came together as music.

Then, Chuang Tzu looked at the music of the earth. There was a wind that moved through the landscape like a breath moving through a flute. In its passage, the grass blades bowed, the leaves on branches rustled restlessly. You could hear a soft, gentle sound.

The sound of the wind grew louder as it picked up speed. The trees, the rocks, even the openings in the mountain pass all responded with sounds of their own. Together, they harmonized in a chorus of melodies.

The world was a scared instrument. Nature itself was the musician. The music that emerged was transcendent and beautiful beyond description.

The Tao Today

Chuang Tzu’s passage, from 2,500 years ago, points to our connection to nature more powerfully than anything we are likely to read today. Let it inspire you to go out and renew your communion with nature.

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin