"Fuck pain. Fuck heartbreak. I'm still in love with life." - Daniele Bolelli


Every person has three aspects: the physical self, the mental self and the spiritual self. The physical self is the easiest one for others to perceive. It is about the health and fitness of your body. When you are at your optimum in this area of life, you find that you can easily maintain your ideal weight, you rarely get sick, and you possess abundant energy'.

The second aspect is your mental self. It is about your mind and your work. When you are at your optimum in this area of life, you find that your work is challenging and satisfying, you are able to make use of your creativity and skills, and you are steadily advancing in your career.

The third aspect is your spiritual self. It is about your innermost being and your connection with other souls. When you are at your optimum in this area of life, you find that you are blessed with great friends in your life, and you are deeply immersed in a loving relationship with your soul mate.

The Tao Today

Some may assume that the Tao is only about the spiritual aspect. In reality, the Tao is all-inclusive and encompasses all three aspects of your being. To be the best person you can be, you need to optimize all three aspects of yourself. Think about yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Which is your strongest aspect? Which is the weakest? And how will you improve it to make the triangle more balanced?

The Tao of Joy Every Day

~ Derek Lin